Borrowing Creativity
The Dark Side Of Franchising
NFT Handbook 2022
Introduction to Cloud Computing and Its Applications in Organizations
How did they start? 1
How did they start? 2
Principles of Business Franchising
Connections with International Organizations
Connections and understanding with international organizations in the realm of global trade are fundamental pillars of networking and market development strategies. A few years ago, when I was elected as the Secretary-General of the Islamic Cooperation Organization’s International Trade Center in Iran, I dedicated my efforts to developing relations between Iran and this international organization. […]
Chambers of Commerce and their Supportive Role for Startups
One of the main concerns of young people and those active in the field of startups is the lack of access to powerful and active accelerators so that they can strongly link their young businesses to the experience of veterans and the knowledge of pioneers in the economic field and, perhaps, enter the international arena […]